
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ms. Heather Servedo-----Computer Literacy-----MLA Report Assignment

MLA Report Assignment

Write a 3 page research paper on a controversial issue. 
(No two students can have the same topic).
When you have chosen a topic please let me know before you begin your research.
Format paper using MLA format:  You can use Noodletools
12pts. Time New Roman, double spaced, left aligned.
Introduce topic in the first paragraph (4-5 sentences).
Print 3 on-line journal/magazine/newspaper articles from the VRC (Virtual Reference Collection)   See Mr. Miller for VRC  Informantion.
Mr. Miller, The Information Speciaist, will instruct the students in avoiding plagiairism,citation methods including NoodleTools,access to the online databases and eBook systems.