
Monday, February 4, 2013

Ms. Chantel Salzano--Home and Careers--Super Size Me Project

eLibrary Science
Gale Health Reference Center Academic
Proquest K12
SIRS Knowledge Source
Online Catalog
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Directions: Using the schools data base find one research article related to fast food and diet or fast food and nutrition. After you find your article, you must read the article and answer the following questions. You do not need to print the article however you must cite the source in which it came from.  
1.     Name of article and author  
2.     Summarize in your own words the main idea of the article. (It must be at least five sentences)  
3.     List 3 main facts or ideas the author was trying to get across in the article?  
4.     What was your opinion of the article? Do you agree or disagree with it why or why not?  
Please cite the article, use citation machine to help you do this correctly