
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ms Chantel Pizzuto--Home and Careers Department--Super Size Me Research Project

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A chart of how many calories an average teenager your age should consume per day. This chart includes how many serving of which food group you should consume to meet your calorie needs.  
Directions: I want you to pretend that you are ordering fast food from any restaurant of your choice. You are going to write down what you would order. You will do this for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Write down honestly what you would order if you were to eat at that restaurant in the space provided below. You must go to three different restaurants (one for breakfast, lunch and dinner). You will then write down how many calories and how many grams of fat are in each item you chose. You must include a drink at each meal even if it is water. Once you are finished calculate the totals of each meal or snack. You do not need to fill all the spaces below, just record what you would normally order.                                     

Answer the following questions in full sentences on a separate piece of paper:
1.  Were you surprised how many calories were in any of the items that you chose? If so what?
2.  If you were to eat only fast food for just one day how would the amount of calories and grams of fat you consume compare to the amount of calories and fat you are supposed to have for one day?
3.  Why do you think people choose to eat at fast food restaurants?
4.  Do you think that you could go to a fast food restaurant and purchase healthy foods? If so what could you purchase?
5.  What foods groups were hard to find on the fast food menus?
6.  After watching the video and doing this activity will you change where you eat or what you choose to eat at fast food restaurant? If yes what would you change and why and if no why would you not change what you eat.  


Directions: Using the schools data base find one research article related to fast food and diet or fast food and nutrition. After you find your article, you must read the article and answer the following questions. You do not need to print the article however you must cite the source in which it came from.  

1.  Name of article and author.
2.  Summarize in your own words the main idea of the article. (It must be at least five sentences).
3.  List 3 main facts or ideas the author was trying to get across in the article?
4.  What was your opinion of the article? Do you agree or disagree with it why or why not?
5.  Please cite the article, use citation machine to help you do this correctly.  

Rubric for Super size me Project        

Points Possible
Points Received
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Dinner Menu
Total points
ubric for Research 

Points Possible
Points Received
Appropriate Article (not printed)
Answered all questions in full and complete sentences
Sited article correctly
Total Points