
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ms. Debbie Meek-- English Department--Creating and Using a Collaborative Works Cited on NoddleTools

Creating and Using a Collaborative Works Cited on NoodleTools 

1.  Logon to Your NoodleTools Account:
Find it on the Gelinas Library Blog
If you have created a Project/Works Cited Before, you know how
If this is your first time, read the other instruction page. 

2.  Create A Project
MLA Advanced
Use a title that relates to your research. 

3.  Choose a Group Leader for your Research Project 

4.  The Group Leader will create another project which includes
the Class Period: 
         MLA Advanced
Example: Mars Colony: Transportation
5.  The Group Leader will now select:  

“Student Collaboration” 
“add/remove students”
 Add Collaborator    Select “Full Collaborator” 

6.  Each research group member will now, on that leader’s

Type in your Username for Noodle Tools
Hit “Save”
Do this until all members are added
The Group Project will now show up on everyone’s Noodle Tools Account 


1. You can put Citations directly into the group project
2. To transfer a Citation from Individual Project to Group Project 

Open the Project
Click on the Citation
On the right side, select “Copy”
Select “Copy to Another Project”
In the drop down box, select the name of the other project