
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mr. Thomas Worthington-----Social Studies Department-----Speech Assignment

Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)

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If I Were Alive Today

Over the past several weeks we have encountered many different individuals from a-time-long-ago.  For this assignment, you are to research the life of an individual from one of the time periods from the first half of this U.S. History class.  You are to speculate what that person would have to say about the current world if she was still alive today (Think change over time).  Your findings will be presented to the class in the form of a speech.  It is recommended that you present the speech as if you are the person you researched, but it is not mandatory.

1. Introduce the person and give an overview of what type of life he lived.  Is the person famous?  If so, what did she accomplish during her lifetime?  What was life like in the society he lived in?

2. Based on how he lived, speculate what that person would have to say about the world today. Advances in science, math, etc. should  be touched upon.  Keep in mind P.R.E.S.T.O.

The speech should be between 2-4 minutes long. You will be graded on both content and delivery.  Please note, no individuals from the past will be repeated in one class, so in situations where more than one student wants to research an individual, I will use a random means of awarding first choice.

Below is a list, though not complete, of some individuals you might like to become. 
Note –it is encouraged that you consider being someone who was not famous, such as a housewife, farmer, factory worker or immigrant.

Christopher Columbus
Abigail Adams
P.T. Barnum
Stonewall Jackson
Ulysses Grant
Jane Adams
Mathew Brady
Upton Sinclair
Helen Hunt Jackson
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ann Hutchinson
John Adams
Harriet Tubman
John Brown
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Frederick Douglass
Walt Whitman
Boss Tweed
Lewis W. Hine
Thomas Edison
Roger Williams
Eli Whitney
Susan B. Anthony
Clara Barton
Abrahan Lincoln
Henry Clay
Sojourney Truth
Thomas Nast
Jacob Riis
Andrew Carnegie                                   

Speeches will begin on __________________________